Cue Public Library
Online Catalogue
New Stock Added Monthlty
Borrow up to 10 items for 3 weeks
Stock includes:
- Adult Fiction
- Adult Non-Fictiom
- Large Print
- Dvds
- Bluray
- Audio Books
- Biographies
- Jrn Fiction / Non-fiction
- Jrn Dvds
- eAudio & eBooks
If we don't have it we can order it for you! Simply fill out the interlibray loan form and return it to the library via email or in person.
Libby is coming soon to the Cue Public Library
Borrow and download thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks with Libby.
Just sign in with your library card to enjoy digital books on your computer, tablet or smartphone anytime, anywhere.
Kanopy is now avaliable at the Cue Public Library
Kanopy is a video Streaming platform delivering one of the largest collections of indie films, classic cinema, festival and educational documentaries, and movies online or through an app.
Once selected, each film may be viewed, paused, finished and rewatched over a 72 hour period before requesting again.
Once you are signed in you view up to 4 films or documentaries within a month loan period. These are updated on the 1st of every month.
BorrowBox is now avaliable at the Cue Public Library
You can enjoy the best collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks on your mobile devices wherever you go, whenever you want.
To get the app, install BorrowBox on your Apple iOS or Android device.
To start borrowing immediately, select Cue Public Library within the app and enter your library membership details found on your membership card. It’s so simple to browse, borrow and download bestselling titles with BorrowBox
When asked for your password enter the last four (4) digits of your library card number eg CL702C0001234D
RB Digital is now avaliable at the Cue Public Library
RB Digital
RBdigital offers full colour interactive digital magazines for your enjoyment.
Browse from the library’s collection of popular titles with no holds, no checkout periods, and no limit to the number of magazines you can download. Available online or though an app, at no cost using your library membership
Enjoy magazines from a wide range of genres including automotive, health & fitness, food & cooking, hobbies and even celebrity & gossip.
Simply login to RB Digital, create an account using your library membership and you're ready to go.